Friday, November 18, 2011


I now am the proud employer of a driver for my little 1100cc Suzuki. Being boss is not fun as there are lots of hidden extras e.g. I have to provide him with lunch and drinks. He takes me to work in the morning and then waits outside in the car all day until I finish work and then he takes me home or where ever I need to go. He must be so bored but I have nothing else for him to do. He wants to improve his English so I am going to look at buying him some English language CDs so as to give him something useful to do with his time.
The other morning on the way to work he told me "My brother motorcucle accident. he died" I was shocked and tried to be supportive but then it turned out the "he" that died was the motorcycle, his brother had a fractured elbow.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love creative English - he died. In PNG it was 'em go bugger-up' which usually applied to anything mechanical, so no confusion there. But then there was killim, which didn't necessarily mean death. Is pigin in Pakistan Penglish? or Englistani? And you might find the driver has two he sleeps in the car during the day?

